Stars Generator
Tired of constantly adding stars to your scene? Node groups are just that extra step we don't feel like dealing with. Alright then, may I introduce you to creating stars the easy way?
This Is a simple to use Star Generator to add to any space scene or anything that's well.. in need of stars!
Simply adjust a few sliders and you can go anywhere from nebula explosions to tiny pin dot stars!
You will have Full control of color
Each color has full emission control
Blend between 2 Main color and Highlight color
Scalable per color layer: Whites/Color
Quick and Easy!
How to use?
-All you need to do to add it to any scene, is by appending to your current project.
-This is ready as a KO Insert although is not needed, (imports as plane)
*To all supporters' updates will be free. When I find better ways to do things, you'll be right there with me and will be able to update where you first downloaded Stars Generator*